Envy is the deadly sin of the eyes. Comes from the word to look with malicious. It is now refer to looking at someones qualities or possessions and wanting what they have. But when does this sin become poison to us?
Sometimes Envy can be the most awkward of the sins to talk about because it reflects our failings. As a result, we start to resent others because they have something that we don't. This can cause us to want the other person demise.
The Greeks show Envy through politics. They would ostracized people who they believe were too powerful. This was done by people or counsel write a name of who they wanted remove on a piece of pottery. If enough people chose the person, that person was ostracized for a period of 10 years. The purpose was to prevent people from getting too much political power. However, Envy can be seen as a motive, ostracized a person who is doing well.

There are many prime examples of Envy in the Bible. In Genesis, the snake says the apple can make you like God to Adam and Eve. This can be seen as Envy, Adam and Even were envious of God, as a result wanted to be like Him. Other example in the Bible is Cain and Abel, brothers. They were to put offerings to God but Abel received grace from God. Cain was envious of his brother and grew angry. In the end, he murders Abel.
Another well known example of Envy is the simple childhood story, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The Queen was always the most fairest in the land, but Snow White soon became the fairest. Envious of her beauty she sent someone to kill her, but in the end she failed and died.

Through these numerous examples and personal experience Envy is a deadly sin. With it, hatred arise, joy over other's misfortune, and grief with others prosperity. But it can sometimes be seen as a good trait or motive. Justice, especially with the Greeks, or being competitive for more resources, seen in the Cucumber Experiment.
Envy soon became a powerful sin that it was given a name of a demon prince. The demon that personifies Envy is Leviathan. This demon can be seen as a monster in size and power that have minor demons at his beck and call. Because of this demon's power, those who are envious are persecuted in Hell. This can be seen in Dante's "Divine Comedy", where he goes through the Circles of Hell. The envious wander in the wasteland with their eyes sewn shut by iron wires. This is to symbolize the sin was commonly committed through the eyes.

But we need to separate Envy from other terms because they are NOT THE SAME. One is jealously, the difference is jealously means the fear of losing a loved on to someone else. While Envy is concern for oneself than others. Another is admiration which is more respect and not viewing yourself as inferior. While Envy can be insecurity and reject God reason. Envy in itself is to ignore God's given identity.
Envy is inevitable but it can go to the point of being dangerous when: Lead to anger to other people and feeling inferior. For me, Envy popped out when I was with friends, especially when I was younger. I always wanted to have what my friends had, whether it was the Trading Cards, Video Games, Books. etc. Now it turns to Job, Car, iPad, etc. I even wanted a friend to be in agony, which is horrible. However, there are ways to prevent us from turning green with Envy.
To prevent Envy from being a deadly sin we have to remember what God has done for us and the purpose he has given us. One way is to list things that you are grateful for, this can be small and big. In a way, it helps us to enjoy what we have now, instead of searching for other things. Also do not complain what you have, such as a inefficient computer or a "bad spouse". Since you have it now, enjoy living in the moment. Of course there are flaws, but what good does it do to complain, except bring other people down. In the end, God will give you everything in due time, don't do everything according to you will but God's.
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